

There is a spot on the highway

where the road I once followed is intercepted

by the road I tread now.

A single stretch of tarmac next to a strawberry farm and

a stop sign.

Anonymous. The story it could tell

has been beaten into the ground

by bored commuters.

It is not

the echo of a screech you hear; not a thud

rattling the bones of the road.

Just the dirge of the wind rattling the trees.

Can you see the ghost

on the central reservation with her head in her hands?

I went back there today and for the first time

I was behind the wheel. I saw

the ghost and with her

I cried but whilst her tears spoke of shock and terror

mine sang with relief. There is no place on earth

more powerful than this little spot on the highway

but today I said I am stronger.

(Catherine Hannah, February 9th, 2024)

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