
YouTube channel is now LIVE!

I’ve really been enjoying reading out my poetry of late. So I’ve decided to share the joy with the launch of the Catherine Hannah Poetry YouTube channel.

One of my favourite things about poetry (and art in general) is how open a piece is to interpretation based on the consumers’ own context. I’ve had some truly insightful comments from readers of The Ballad of the Bunny and Other Poems: The Diary of a Car Crash and Beyond. I love how someone can draw comfort from my poems in a way I had not considered- both writer and reader find our own healing. So, it will be interesting to see if interpretation of my written work changes between reading and watching a performance of it.

It will be great to have a dedicated space to take my written poetry to the next level; where I can experiment in blending my words with music, art and film for a truly mutimedia poetry experience.

Please check it out here and if the content resonates, please like, subscribe and share. I would much appreciate it!

I’ve had a hectic few weeks health wise, but I am starting to look once more at a LIVE reading of some of the poems from my book- keep an eye on Facebook, Instagram and now YouTube as well as right here for details in the near future!

Born in Blackpool, UK, Catherine Hannah has lived in Australia for over ten years and now calls Geelong home. After working in the US summer camp industry, aged care and early childhood education, Catherine returned to writing initially as therapy after a devastating car crash. Catherine is a classically trained pianist and spends her down time with her husband, friends, rabbits and hens.

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