WELCOME to catherine hannah poetry: poetry for healing and beyond
**NEW blog post** With the launch of the NEW Catherine Hannah Poetry Online Shop, take a look here at why this independent author/illustrator has decided to take a step back from the online book retailer giants…
join me in healing; remembering; celebrating. in illuminating the past, the present and the future. join me in being angry and join me in being daft. join me with family and friends; including the furred and the feathered, from near or far. join me with a cup of tea or a whisky on ice.
you are not alone.
Please enjoy your visit. I would love to hear from you- feel free to leave a comment on any of my posts or contact me directly.
Love Catherine x
“funny all the things
that conspire to put us in
this place at this time”
~Catherine Hannah, 22nd May, 2020.